Sick (Pattern Markings) 60x70cm Ink & Acrylic on Canvas
Sick (Handbag) 40x50x50 (dimensions approx)
Acrylic & Ink on Canvas with Satin Lining and Leather Handles
Again, another makeover - complete with before and after shots. And what a dramatic improvement. Here we have the parts segmented in a much more convenient manner. For example, while sporting the bag - a-la-casual - one may elect to have the gash/slash facing forward (for those days when one does feel emboldened) or gash/slash facing backwards (when we'd prefer to think that life was about more than just our sex). You may have also noticed that the gash/slash is slighly blurred - a modest soft focus 'side-effect' from the surgical manufacturing process. Read: when I sewed the canvas, it rubbed a bit (read what you will into that) and blurred the charcoal leaving the image with a nice sense of renewed modesty not unlike porn images before digital cameras, mass prinitng and enhancement...back in the days when women could let it all hang out - literally. When labiaplasty was floating free in outerspace with all the other useless spacejunk awaiting it's moment of glory and when bush meant old growth forests and the like (now as endangered as the full map of Tassie).
I have had some technical dilemmas resolving my handbag transformations however. The weight of the paint burdened canvas has created difficulty in it's starchiness and manoeuvreability. While I like the strength and form it gives the bag it is difficult to handle and does not lend itself to a softening effect akin to the flesh that I have been able to replicate with other fabrics. Still, I have discovered the wonders of steam-ironing through teatowel with a later version (will post next).
Notes on the details: The satin lining is gathered slightly and pinched then sewn into the angles of the breasts. The bag is stuffed with polyfil and this combination lends itsel;f to a nice boudoir sensation, all pink and creamy flesh-like. To feel it is cool, smooth, soft and spongy. Unsure as to whether it will bear contents (a stray doll's arm or some such thing) but leaning to the side of none. Nipples were resurrected from a previous bag incarnation and match the handle nicely. I think that's what they mean when the say to 'accessorise'.
All these bags will eventually form a totem pole - pole dancing handbags depicting the power of transformation.