Thursday, March 24, 2011

Back in the Saddle

Okay, so after a 6 month baby *hiatus* from anything other than baby, baby, baby I feel I am finally beginning to resurface, gasp for artistic breath and catch a glimpse of the horizon beyond family.

Inspiration occurs regularly as I breastfeed on the couch but the elusive empress of time ducks and weaves her magic in mysterious ways. Some days I am gifted an hour but most days I snatch greedily at  any moment I can squeeze the potential from but then find myself constipated with dread. This brings forth a host of issues in and of itself. With so much time to 'think' and 'plan' and 'dream' of glorious visions of vast uninterrupted swathes of art making, reading, sewing, poetically pondering; how does one begin to decide which baby requires nurturing at that precise moment? (Sorry, I am jumbling my metaphors a bit - subconscious intent to be obscure???).

Standstill. How to use the time snatched most effectively?

skin of the beast

My photo
Derby, Western Australia, Australia
I am an artist, feminist, teacher, student and m-other among other things. I live in the Kimberley - north west of Western Australia.
